Products & Services

SeDidik offers two major types of services:

TASKA (Childcare) TADIKA (Kindergarten)
Children aged 6 months – 4 years old Umur anak 5 – 6 tahun
Using PERMATA Negara Curriculum strengthened with Dr. Glenn Doman Methods for Babies and Parents Using National Preschool Standard Curriculum (KSPK) integrated with additional programmes such as
Nature Walk
Let’s Begin Programme
Bacalah Anakku
Young Saver
Young Writer

Taska SeDidik Kuching

Tadika SeDidik Long Jenalong

Taska SeDidik Ditempat Kerja Maritim, Kuching
(JV with Agensi Penguatkuasaan Maritim Malaysia)

Tadika SeDidik Kpg. Luak, Miri (Urban)

Value Added Programmes:

1. Kindergym Programme - SeDidik believe that the physical, intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child should be conducted in an all rounded way to ensure that they will grow healthy and to prepare them for elementary education. SeDidik Kindergym Programme/classes are conducted at SeDidik Centre of Exellence at Jalan Kulas, Satok. For more information on this programme, please call us at Operation Department, 082-330137.

2. Kindergardening Programme - In this programme, children practically will learn about Science and Mathematics. Children will be exposed to basic knowledge about gardening including soils, rocks, plant life cycle and gardening equipments. Children will be able to interact with their teachers in learning various types of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

3. Music Class (UR – Music Station) - Music class is facilitated by experienced teachers and it is conducively designed so students can learn to play music and appreciate the joys of playing musical instruments. SeDidik Music Class is open to children and also to adult. For more information on this programme, please call us at Operation Department, 082-330137 or Mr. Jamaludin Sejeli (teacher) at 019-8887233.